Wednesday, June 9, 2010

spirit work in so many words:part one

Ok...So there are spheres of thought that ascribe to the belief that entities are bad and they should be cleansed from our personal area, our "bubble". That clearing spirits of negativity and vice will improve our lives, and help to clear karma, that we may continue on our mission in the lives given us. those in cahoots with such a school of thought, however, are missing key elements of a fundamental overstanding of the purpose of these entities. They fear that these cats are purposefully trying to screw us up. lemme pull ur coat on my perspective, grabbed just a minute ago in what alchoholics call a "moment of clarity".

I read Carlos casteneda's works with the shaman Malthus. From there I've learned that entities are attracted to emotions. entities that feed on fear hang around the horror movies at AMC. Entities that like bar fights hang at the watering hole with the alchoholic entities, and so on. There is a dependence there. Since they can't realize their desires physically, since they have no physical body, they do so vicariously, through us, by whispering in our ear.

The fundamentals begin with this: you can't lump all entities with the negative sector of things:like vice. That's dualistic, as it implies there are also entities that want good work done vicariously. (and while that's true, read on.) forego the duality understanding, and approach all with the intrinsic knowledge that all is meant to be. If there's an entity that craves a vice, and ur given to partaking in that vice, when u vibrate at a particular pitch, that entity will flock to you, cause ur in a moment of weakness. BUT there is where many stop with their understanding of entities and their purpose, like it's always to mess us up. perhaps they are hoping we will grow past the vice and not partake, and they will latch on in that moment of weakness, then ride with us to a higher vibration. Wouldn't that just beat all? If they have no physical body with which to resist, then they latch onto us, hoping we will carry them higher. That gives church a whole new benefit! u go in to church at the Sunday, raise ur self in accord with others in the name of positivity, and all the entities latched to u get to vibrate higher! I love it...

But this is a temp fix, and we must pinpoint all vices, and by association, all entities attached to them, and deny ourselves these things first, then forego the desire for them. The entities are only really helped in a cumulative fashion, as we learn new thought patterns, so do they.

That's the realm of the positive, of helping entities vibrate higher. Now for some other thoughts...

So these entities vibrate higher with us. They like a good thing, and ALL is energy exchange. These entities see things we can't: causality, since they have no monkey mind, no full spectrum consciousness as we do. they can clue us in to things that lay under the surface of what we consider mundane situations. This is INTUITION to some. Just listen...

Then there's another form of doing. Now, as we work through vices, more and more entities will be attracted to us. in a way, they come as contenders, and, if we persist in our chastity of vices, they become spectators to a great show. The singing of angels comes to mind.
As one goes on in this practice, one will begin to forego vices as they appear. this means keeping the desire or urge from progressing past a single thought in our minds. as the urge grows, the entity grows closer, tentative at first, and as it wins the little battles of mind, more voracious and hungry. TURN THAT THOUGHT OFF AT THE LAST MOMENT! this traps hungry entities in your space for healing. they spend energy being attracted and fighting with your conscience, and they are all but powerless when the thought is turned off. this is when other works can commence.

I've gone through this entire preliminary to spirit work without truly even mentioning the prerequisite. Mastering thoughts is quite a task, nigh impossible, unless u first RECOGNIZE ur thoughts. this takes much meditation and a high lvl of overstanding to accomplish. u must become conscious of your thoughts. this is usually done with meditation and stilling the mind. the theory goes that if u can stop thoughts from constantly running through ur mind, and do this with increasing frequency, till it becomes second nature, then u become aware of the thoughts' individual frequency. Once this is accomplished, u will be able, with much practice, to spot thoughts forming, whether positive or negative, and decide whether they can take root in your mind for growth.

Part two coming soon. This is tiring...

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