Monday, August 2, 2010

developments since then...

Gee, its been a minute. Full of developments in life in general, and my dreads are no exception!
Let's see here. well, I went ahead and had them maintained...Ironically, a classmate said she would do it for me, and I relented, deciding that to have them maintained, (washed, rinsed with ACV-baking soda- salt- lemon juice- and tea tree oil mix, olive oil hot treatment, and finally palmrolled) at least every two to three months. plus, she didn't want to be paid, and I have a hard time saying no to what seems an obvious blessing.

Well, here's something you maybe didn't know. I get my hair from my mom, as all men do. well, science says that, but in this case, my mom started losing her hair at age sixteen, and while I didn't notice it while I had braids, now that I'm dreading, its easy to see that there is just less hair on top. the loss seems to follow the same pattern as hers too.
I say all that to say that the hair on top of my head is much thinner, and after I trimmed two of my locs to make them more, how shall we say, multiple, its even easier to see. I thought that by starting new locs while the rest were in the shooting stage, I could capitalize on the increased growth and stimulate new follicles to materialize...

I considered this gift from my peer something of a... well, gift. only thing was, instead of leaving all the small newer locs alone, she incorporated them all into the next two longer locs on the top of my head.
While this is aestetically pleasing, or at least more so than the strange look from before, I still believe that follicles are waking up! I haven't resigned myself to my mother's fate: I feel as though with plenty of faith, I can discover what went wrong and regrow what hair has shed. I see this somewhat karmically... hopefully that statement serves to relate my belief in a way that many can overstand, since usually, if a male's mother goes bald, so does he.

Anyway, I also notice she left the ACV rinse in. I didn't think this was a problem till a few days later, when my scalp started itching. I mean REALLY ITCHING. the minute I hit sunlight and sweat starting coming, my hair starting itching! The only positive thing, and it was quite positive, was that the top of my scalp started itching too! all my studies tell my that whereas before, the top of my scalp was pretty numb, hinting at dying follicles and shrinking pores, the itch means the nerves are waking up. this I take to be great news.

So I'll keep everyone posted on the developments of my hair growth.

As far as the locs...

I'm starting to see a sort of...maturing. in all of them, there is no comb spiral left. its all bunching together very nicely. I've decided to start washing once every two weeks, with dr bronners soap bars. doesn't really matter which, since when I got the ACV rince, it wasn't very dirty at all. I mean, I don't use many products at all: soap for washing, my aloe gel/juice-rosemary and peppermint essential oil spritz, and jojoba oil every couple days. that's pretty minimal from what I hear from more cultivated hair wearers. Most, if not all of my ends are closed, and they look like locs. Now if I could just get some length...

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