Monday, June 7, 2010

I accidentally moisturized my hair, and...

I finally got a couple coins Mario style, So I decided to make the best of it and purchase only things I needed either for my business practice (sheets) or for my personal hygiene (LOCS). to the end of the latter, I visited the life grocery store on roswell rd in marietta, which is conveniently located about a mile and a half from my domicile.

When I got there, I put down my other bags and asked a question many locers can relate to: "Where are ur essential oils?" I found some rosemary and some peppermint at great prices for the little bottle (y'know, the thumb sized numbers) and as luck would have it, the shampoos were right on down the aisle!

So having heard a number of good things about the black african shampoo and soaps regarding locs, thats the first name I sought, but to no avail. "the manufacturer has provided none of this product at the current time" was the verbage that looked back at me, taped onto the front of the shelf, partially covering a row of...well, nothing.

So I did the next rational thing. I asked the nearest black woman for help. she pointed me toward Nubian raw shea butter body wash. I'd heard on many a site that body wash was also good for hair, and shea butter sounded good for some reason, so I grabbed it, the essential oils, and some kombucha tea for good measure, paid, and rushed home to wash...

I mixed the lekair oil free shampoo with the nubian number, a few drops of olive oil, and about three drops of rosemary, rolled the bowl to incorporate all, then headed for the shower.


I emerged from the shower smelling great, and looking forward to popping the lovelies. I grabbed a spritz made from the last tenth of a bottle of mango lime spray, some purified water, some olive oil, and more rosemary; a bottle of kombucha, the green one (more on that in a later post) grabbed my neice, heaven, and took a walk to some community chairs in our apartment complex for2 pop my locs, spray with the love, and let them airdry during a prolonged walk.

after that bit of fun, back at the nest, I palpated my hair, expecting to feel the dry signs of locing that greeted me last weekend with the lekair alone, and hair felt soft...

uh oh...

Like many, I've heard on site aplenty that moisturizing your locs before they're completely loc'd will retard the process. hoping I was wrong, and heeding the warning to not cover my hair before it dried, I slept with nothing protecting my hair. decided that the process of drying, combined with sleeping on just cotton sheets, would give me results by morning...

I woke up this morning with errands to run. (nothing like being busy during spring; all bout dat progression, dig?) checked my hair, and...Success! While my hair was definitely softer from the moisturing bod wash, the loc process wasn't undone. they felt softer, but definitely just as loc'd as before, with a sweet smell of shea butter. I went out in the sun for maybe an hour errand running just to make sure, then hit it with the spritz.

the moisturizer didn't hurt anything. now granted, I'm almost six months into the process, so maybe a month ago the results could have been disastrous, but Hey! I like the smell, I like the texture, and hell, if it retards the process, So what? I know people who wish they had enjoyed the rebellious days a bit fuller, dig? So that's that. oh, if anyone has any suggestions for how to use the essential oils to fullest, just lemme know in the comments section. luv

Hands that move the sky are quite high,

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