Thursday, November 11, 2010

No more massage therapy school....And updates on mi locs

SO yesterday was my last day of class at Massage therapy school. Saw that I'd passed the last test, and let rip a "WHOOP" that the new students will remember for a few weeks.

I've been involved in that school for almost the last year! So many things coming full circle... But of course, when things come full circle, new things start the merry go-round. I've decided that I'm more than capable of continuing on with school, until I have a bachelor's, or at least enough certifications to earn me a prosperous doctor's wage.

I believe that the next step is personal training. Gonna see what pops up soon.

My locs are wonderful! I have been having some trouble though. This cooling weather's got them getting dry. REALLY dry. Two days after I wash, they're flaky again... Just a shower of dandruff. When I spray a lot of spritz, they're kosher, but do I really soak my hair, and then throw a beenie on, or even less safe, go out into 50 degree weather with a head full of moist locs? I believe I should start oiling them again. I stopped when I started spritzing more heavy, thinking that would do it, but I'd prefer oil to a spritz, now that the cold season waxes fat.

I been massaging my scalp a bit more consistently, and must say I like the results. Just feels more comfy.

I was thinking about cutting my hair down into much shorter locs, if not completely shaving, in order to obtain employment now that I'm done with school. I went to my sister's to visit, and mentioned this to her, and she gave me one of the most sincere compliments I've ever heard her give. Told me that my hair identifies me as being a unique person, and that it would help me communicate my "earthy" quality, as it would apply to the healing I would facilitate.

OK, she didn't say all that, but that was a decent paraphrase. It was weeks ago, people, I'm gonna sensationalize. I've already told this story to a half million folks

so I'm not cutting my hair.

but I do want some good ole' employment...

Eh, we'll see what manifests. Recieved some citrine as a graduation gift from a good friend. All ready to be using that to make money happy here.

Lov, Light, y Lucini

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