Sunday, October 10, 2010

Now life (For real Freeforming pt 3), and my Birthday resolution list

Happy birthday to me!

I turn 22 in a few hours. Past year has been full of positivity. kind of like the stock market over five years is supposed to always be up. I don't like making resolutions at New Year's, I prefer making them on my Birthday. And as a means of having a record of it, I'll just post some "Birthday Resolutions" here.
  1. To put positive energy into building my conscious awareness with the cosmos, strengthening and balancing my energy centers, welcoming gratitude to exist in my life in a perpetual state, knowing my insignifigance in size, and realizing my ultrasignifigance in expanding consciousness.
  2. To Put positive energy into nurturing my hair, and continue allowing it to freeform into its own glory, despite the naysayers. Using Green tea to keep my hair ph-balanced and growing, taking pictures to document my journey, posting the pictures in a show of love for my locs, for others' locs, and for the spiritual journey of loc'ing in general
  3. To put positive energy into building my finances. Has it been the experience of anyone that you have all the mechanisms in place to make money, but you need money to begin moving the machine? Stocks and bonds and saving accounts, saving to buy a car, a loft, and other things that will help me further my business practices and career. Keeping retirement in mind!
  4. To put positive energy into helping my family grow. My coming achievement will be inspiring to many people, but I hope that the downcoming and everlasting success will inspire those younger than me the most.
  5. To put positive energy into the future manifestation of my plans for living. I look forward to so many things! And remaining positive and steadfast in my plans will allow the seed of thought I've created to grow into the plant, the tree of physical materialization.
  6. To put positive energy into my circle of loved ones and friends. Many of my closest aquaintances are also in this natural healing field, and a means of ensuring success is payment forward. For me this means staying in contact with these people and referring clientele to them, while not expecting them to do the same for me. This manifests clientele, be it from referrals or no.
  7. To put positive energy into expanding my base of usable modalities. Not just taking continuing education classes to retain my license, but also building on the reflexology, chair massage, Nmt, swedish, and deep tissue; continuing to incorporate shiatsu, reiki, and aromatherapy; constantly learning and absorbing.
  8. To put positive energy into myself and my heart, in order to keep the party going!

Love, Light, and Lucini

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shout out?

Jay-Z 99 problems
"you're crazy for this one, Rick..."

All the time we hear it at the begining or end of songs.
I heard a Missy Elliot track a few weeks ago-"you're stupid for this one!"

I know what it means. It means they did a good job on production. I wonder if Quincy Jones would take it as a compliment. Or Stevie Wonder. Or Babyface.

Lol, it's gonna get worse...

How about let's get some future shout out's in the comments section, I'm anxious to see what You guys can come up with. I'll start

"You're retarded for this one!"
"I'm telling your mama for this one"
"You should be prosecuted for this one!"
"You're shitty for this one!"


Freeform for real pt 2

Now Luv.

Massage therapy school.

Massage school has been a blast. So many decent people! I won't go into details here, but I've been blessed to be in the company of so many wonderful folks from all over the country, and all different backgrounds. I call Gwinnett College the school of the Jedi.

And it's more than that. When I'm in clinic, or at a community event, or even trading with a peer, the energy exchange is something to be very grateful for. The look in people's eyes when they lift their head from the face cradle is something I cherish everyday. Something that fosters an ever-present gratitude in my reality.

Aside from that, the knowledge that I'm entering into a burgeoning field, where healing is paramount, is immensely gratifying. And the knowledge that I know, that I know, that I know what I'm doing. when someone says they have an ache, and I work on them, and take it away, because I know, makes me feel a greatly increased sense of self worth. I wish that on all people, friends and few enemies alike. I hope everyone can experience that. Everyone.

Imagine having the experience of feeling that you've been asleep your entire existence, and now...Abre los ojos. I'm opening my eyes. :)

Love, lux, and bux

Sunday, October 3, 2010

For Real Freeforming

Hello all, it's been quite awhile since I have posted. And while much has been going on in my life, we'll take things slowly.

First locs, then love, then life.


My hair is... no words can describe it. the two locs in the front got clipped of much of their length, because I was bent on the hair at my crown being more evenly distributed. In stead of two locs, there are three now.
I'm deep off into the freeform. Just wash, oil, and go. and even the oiling has become much more simple: spread some jojoba on my hands, rustle them through the drying hair, and that's about the story of oiling. the length of hair that was comb coiled is definitely loc'd, while the new growth is in varying stages of locing. I enjoy playing with the ends that, only months ago, I was begging to seal. now only about a handful of them havent sealed. I've got this sort of "halo" of new growth that makes me feel such like a lion. Seperating the roots is my biggest maintenance task now, and one that I undertake with plenty of enjoyment. Anything to do with my hair is savored! Mid December will be the one year mark for my locs. SO much growth in the past ten months...
In the past month and a half, as I embrace the freeform, people have started complimenting my hair. I hear awe as I walk Atlanta. At massage events, those with locs touch their fist to their heart and give me a small bow, which I'm only to happy to return. I wear a jamaican flag bandana, and yellow and green armbands. People ask if I'm from Jamaica, and I tell them no, but that I identify with the country as if it is my home. Looking in the mirror at my locs, in all their unkempt glory, I feel a profound sense of gratitude and self love (more on that later) and a gratefulness at my ongoing decision to remain loc'd. LUV