Monday, May 31, 2010

My first words...

Hello. I'm Zebulun, Born in Mississippi, Learned in a bit of everything, and starting this link into who I am at an interesting point in my life. I'm half done with school for massage therapy, I been living in Atlanta for a year this July, and I'm about...five and a half months into locing my hair. Here's a pic of me and my hair a few days ago.
<------ So here's the thing about my locs. I've been growing my hair since, 8th grade. So about 7 years. I'm attached to my hair! When I came to ATL and saw all the happening cats with locs, I decided it was time to stop manipulating my hair (and hurting my scalp) by braiding such coarse hair down. I got two strand twists...The woman who did that put beeswax on them. They lasted for about a month. Something just didn't feel right about them. Took them down, had another set of hand twist them...that lasted a few weeks too. Just didn't feel right! the last time I had them comb coiled...They looked, as someone once said, "like black gummi worms". I loved them, and I could see, just for a moment, the progress on the way. So I've only in the last month taken my locs into my own hands. I visited the loctitian twice after the initial twist to have them maintained, but being a student, my funds are quite low. So I decided to twist on my own. Found lekair's oil free shampoo and went from there. They turned out good, but I noticed something. Now, I had already heard that as my locs matured, I would have a favorite. I had two. And these two didn't want to stay twisted. The new growth just stood out like uncut grass. one on my left temple, and one at the very nap of the left side of my head. I loved them. And they inspired me to begin freeforming.

I've made this blog for three reasons. First, I wanted to have a place where I could vent my questions, insecurities, and other feelings about my locs. Since I just started freeforming, I get the feeling some of my supporters may become naysayers, and I want a place to talk about that. Second, I've combed the net (haha) looking for sites that will tell me about my specific kind of hair, and what I should do. And while I've found some great sites, I'm starting on another leg of my loc journey: transitioning from comb coils to freeform. I can already tell that it's going to be wonderful and inspirational, and I wanted to have a place to look at and document it. I'm going to tell the world what I'm doing, and how it turns out. Third, I like reading blogs about locs, and wanted to contribute to the conversation, dig?

So to sum up: I'm in month five of locing my hair, and I've decided to freeform. This blog will primarily serve to document the process. Nice. God Bless